CAE Flight Explorer
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Media and Broadcast

Flight Explorer provides media and broadcast companies the powerful and reliable tools they need to deliver real-time flight tracking and airspace situational awareness information and updates to the public. Flight Explorer also provides media and broadcast companies the real-time airport information and weather forecasting tools they need to anticipate flight delays, airport closures and unplanned arrivals and report these events to travelers nationwide.

Global Flight Tracking with FE Professional
Flight Explorer Professional goes beyond “flight tracking,” incorporating multiple data feeds, dynamic weather overlays, situational alerts, predictive weather and predictive air traffic tools to make FE Professional an essential situational awareness tool.

With Flight Explorer Professional media and broadcast companies can now:
  Improve real-time airspace and aircraft situational awareness through a single graphical display
 Monitor airspace and weather forecasts with event-based alerts
 Visually depict irregular flight patterns and major airspace events
 Graphically display Flight and Weather delays to alert viewers of changes in their travel plans
 Capture valuable flight and airport information for holiday travel and other major events

Flight Snapshot
Flight Snapshot is a service that enables customers to provide a real-time graphical view of aircraft and airspace for public view on their Web site or broadcast. Flight Explorer provides the organization with a static image file, updated every five minutes that can be customized and delivered directly to their web server or location of their choice. The Flight Snapshot image can be customized to show various combinations of overlays including weather, aircraft tags, airports, origins, destinations, ETA’s and much more. There are a number of configurations available including a rotating snapshot of multiple airports and a more common refreshing snapshot of a single airport.
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